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Dates and Blubbering!
Well, this is the first time I have been able to breath all day! We have been running around like idiots, tearing our house apart! Have you ever seen the show on TLC called "Clean Sweep"? Thats how I felt today! I hadn't realized just how much crap we had accumlated in year and a few months that we have been living here. We had a huge trash pile, an even bigger Goodwill pile, and a pile of stuff to leave at home to be safeguarded by our parents.

Then we had to go through everything that was left to prepare it for the movers. You get totally pampered in the military- I had no idea! I thought we would have to pack everything ourselves for the move, and I was totally not looking forward to that. But when we talked to our moving supervisor, he told us that they do everything for you! We just had to go through the house and clean, and make sure that the only things left in the house were the things we wanted them to pack. Then they come in and do everything for you! Sorting, wrapping, packing, everything! So right now I am sitting in a house full of piles of stuff, and in the morning all I have to do is wake up and meet the guys and point a few fingers and sign a few papers and we are all moved. Yay! Now if only we didn't have to wait 2 months to get our stuff. Stupid Japan, why do you have to be all the way across that big ocean? Damn. :P

Anyway, so here are our dates, for those who haven't read them yet. As of tomorrow, we are packed up and living in an emtpy house. Wednesday the 13th we do our final out interview, then we are free from this base. We could technically come home that night, but I don't wanna drive at night, so we will be heading back to Starke early Thursday morning. Thats the 14th. We are on vacation and staying with our families through Tues. the 26th. Yay! Two whole weeks! I am so happy. Then on that Tuesday, the 26th, we are heading toward New Orleans, which is where we have our car stored and fly out. We are gonna stop overnight Tues. night on base here and stay with freinds so we don't have to drive straight through. Then Wednseday morning, the 27th, we are going to New orleans. We are going to spend that day site seeing, just trying to relax and prepare ourselves. Then we are staying overnight, waking up early Thursday morning, the 28th, and taking our car to the storage facility. Then we hop a cab and go the airport for our first flight. I won't bore you with how scared I am on flying- but I will say that I am going to hate it! And we are on three flights to get there! The first one leaves at 1:30 and takes us to Dallas. Then we leave Dallas at 3:45 and go to L.A. Then we are in L.A. from 5:00 until 2:45 am! SO we are going to go to dinner, try to look around L.A. since we have time. But once our plane leaves from L.A. at 2:45 am Friday morning, we won't actually be in Japan until 11:40 am on Saturday! SO basically we are spend half a day Thursday, all day Friday, and half a day Saturday in an airplane! Damn jetlag. Its gonna suck! :(

Well, guys, keep your fingers crossed, say a prayer, and wish hard for us. This is a major change, and I know God will protect our travels and our minds as we adjust. But having our friends and families thoughts and prayers will definitly help!! I am going to miss everyone so much! We have to try so hard to stay in touch. But I am not going to get all emotional now! Right now we are just looking forward to our two weeks at home. I get to spend time with my parents, all of my sisters, my nieces and nephews- not to mention my inlaws and brother and all of our old friends. We are even having our two best freinds from here come to Gainesville for a weekend and hang out with us there. So there is so much to look forward to in the next two weeks- I have to keep telling myself, wait to get all sad and emotional- save that for the very end and just enjoy your time at home!!!

Well, I am so tired right now I just keep rambling. So I am going to go- till later! Love you guys!

Gone for a Bit - 24.05.2005
quick ramble - 21.05.2005
Yawn! - 04.04.2005
Happy Easter. - 27.03.2005
new layout, i made it myself! - 19.03.2005